Monday, February 15, 2010

Amaya has Died....

And gone to heaven that is!

Today, while doing my daily rounds on H!O I spotted a new topic which had been made, pertaining to Ongaku Gatas.

So of course, since I absolutely love Ongaku Gatas and Yossie, I immediately clicked the topic only to die and go to heaven.

Yes, that is right......

Ongaku Gatas have a new song!

Called, "READY! KICK OFF!!" their new song (hopefully single) is as epic as epic gets!

With their brand new concert tour coming up in March, hopefully this new release points to either a new single with a PV, or an album. Maybe even both! 8D

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little piece of heaven and keep on the look out for more to come from Ongaku Gatas.

With that said, time to go back to Anatomy homework and then off to type up a 5 page research paper.

Love & Peace,

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